Best time in map game: 104 seconds

Nigeria Facts
-Nigeria's second largest ethnic group the Yoruba and their bloodlines have the highest rate of having twins in the world.
-Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the world and is one fifths of the population of Africa.
-Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa due to their petroleum industry being the twelfth largest in the world.
-Nigeria's population is almost completely split in half when it comes to their population living in urban vs rural areas.
-Nigeria holds one of the oldest locations of human existence dating back to 9000 B.C.

Fela Kuti
-A front man and pioneer for Afrobeat, a type of modern African dance music. 
-Was the son of a Protestant minister.
-Moved to London where he was supposedly studying medicine but was actually studying music at trinity college.
-Was reportedly arrested and beaten by police for lyrics that spoke out against the Nigerian Government.
-Was a human rights activist and political maverick for Nigeria. 

Wole Soyinka
-The first African to be given the Nobel prize in Literature.
-Was born into the ethnic group Yoruba.
-Taught drama and literature at many universities throughout Nigeria.
-Is a playwright, poet, author, political activist and human rights advocate.
-Published several works based on Nigerian folk tales. 

Chinua Achebe
-Achebe was a professor of African Studies at Brown University.
-In 1990 was left restrained to wheelchair when he was paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident.
-At the age of 28 wrote the novel Things Fall Apart which has sold more then 12 million copies and has been translated into 50 languages.
-Achebe won many awards in his life including the Man Booker International Prize and the  Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize.
-All his works take place in his home country of Nigeria.

"Olufela Olusegun Oludotun Ransome-Kuti." 2014. The website. Apr 27 2014

"Wole Soyinka." 2014. The website. Apr 27 2014

"Albert Chinualumogu Achebe." 2014. The website. Apr 27 2014

"10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria - Answers Africa." Answers Africa RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. 


College prospects are being watched on Facebook and Twitter

Although the industry of college football recruiting is much more vagarious and aggressive, then say a normal kid planning on enrolling and attending a college for an ordinary reason, everybody should have their guard up on their social networking pages. With our Facebook and Twitter pages apart of our lives somebody and everybody is prone to post a remark they will regret in the future and I think it is an excellent way of seeing who actually portrays themselves truthfully and who puts on other character when posting on social networking sites. I believe the comments some students make are because they feel like the rude comment they are about post is so pity and meaningless that it cannot and will not ever be resurfaced and will never get the commenter in trouble. 

37 Percent Of Employers Use Facebook To Pre-Screen Applicants, New Study Says

Going along with the football recruiting article companies and institutions are using apart of our lives that we take advantage of, it shows that nobody is safe on social networking sites and should keep their provocative photos and references to alcohol and drug use to themselves. Posting and commenting on Facebook or Twitter is a privilege not a right and also needless to say is with you forever as long as it is still around so make sure you leave words you won't regret in the future.  If I was a college graduate with a brand new degree I wouldn't want an employer to make up their mind on whether to hire me on a stupid and pointless comment I made one night while trolling my social networking pages. I completely understand why businesses and colleges use social networking sites mainly because they best describe the person you're looking at, and a business executive is not going to want somebody if their Tweets are dreadful words, would you want to be giving a pay check to somebody who doesn't respect professional and social guidelines?

This Is How A Woman's Offensive Tweet Became The World's Top Story

When Ms. Miller-Payton first describing this incident I recognized it immediately. I had heard of the story over the summer and at first thought it was a joke played out by my uncle who shared it with my family and I. After reading deeper into the issue I found out that the tweeter Justine Sacco was not just a public relations worker but rather a PR director for a big company like IAC.  A situation like this perfectly displays how fast one simple tweet can spread like wildfire and reach the entire world in little to no time, she was practically fired before she even landed in South Africa. This is just another prime example of how reckless and inconsiderate tweets and posts can lead to consequences some major and some minor.  Another thing to take into consideration is that ow this woman will probably never be hired anywhere ever again not just because of how big of a reaction she received but because again nobody wants to hire and work with somebody who doesn't act in a correct manor.    


When Googling myself I found absolutely nothing on me personally but I did find many other "Charles Quinns" some who've been arrested and other who are famous journalists. I couldn't locate any of my actual social networking pages which I thought I would run into frequently. 


I am hoping on attending the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, on Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts. It is a school focused on maritime engineering and studies, it is completely focused on creating workers who want to have jobs directly involved with ocean environments.  

Word Cloud

This word cloud is what I want people to think of me as.
The fake article about High School Students is obvious satire. The article asked for students to say their opinions on wars in country's they don't know about.  I first of all find it hard to believe that a High School student doesn't know basic geography. The funniest part was when the Student from Rhode Island asked to attack their neighboring state of Connecticut. I also noticed the article mentioned many hyperboles in it when they portrayed the students as complete idiots.  

The Silent but Violent story had no satire in it but was full of irony. I thought the story was kind of crude and full of sinical and anything but humorous. The irony in the story came when EJ threw up and ruined their date. 
The author has started off is book The Fortunate Pilgrim describing the life of Italian immigrants in the boroughs of New York. He also is taking the time to inform the reader on what the lives of these immigrants were like in Italy. The author Marion Puzo had done this through his vocabulary and also throughout his sentence arrangements, his vocabulary varies from grade school level words describing the little and physical things in the story to much more complex definitions to describe the struggle of life growing up in a repressive Italy with strict fathers operating through cultural traditions. From the beginning of the book to where I am now has mostly been describing tenants in which is between the Hudson River and his block.
The topic of war is not a pretty discussion in any means; it is actually avoided in most normal conversations and never really brought up let alone expressed on the same lines of humor and comedy. War dates back to the beginning of time, ever since man disagreed over wealth, land, or power a war soon followed, the fact that people who don’t directly have any relation to the issue being fought over risk their lives to resolve the matter is a pretty disgusting fact. My exact topic which regards the war in the Middle East has its own history and problems. My article started with mentioning the attacks on September 11 which I by the way would never disgrace or make humor out of but that is the event that sparked the entire country to become involved in the American efforts to destroy terror in a land that many had known little to nothing about. I myself first became interested in the subject of civilian casualties when I heard about on the evening news of drone strikes in Lebanon that killed a family of four with none of the four being the person they were targeting. I asked how contradicting it is that if anybody were to harm an American they were sought out to be killed but if an American kills somebody in trying to “protect” U.S. interests it’s not exactly fine but just considered an accident. In the Information I collected in writing about my topic I discovered many things I had never heard about such as the actual number of incidents where defenseless citizens have been killed and also the exact number of citizens that have been killed due to numerous causes. One opinion people have on the subject of war in the Middle East is that it is a great thing and should be continued at all costs and until every person who has or plans to dismantle U.S. interests while on the other hand many people believe the war should be stopped or at least minimized to miniscule proportions.

Bacevich, Andrew. "" Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Bashing "Isolationists" While at War in the World. N.p., 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.>

"Iraq Body Count." Iraq Body Count. A Dossier on Civilian Casualties in Iraq 2003-2014, 2003. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. <>

Stokes, Emmanuel. "War on Iran: America’s Next Catastrophe in the Middle East?" Truthout. N.p., 13 Apr. 2012. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.<

I choose to write about the topic of war because it was the broadest topic with the widest range of discussion to choose from and because everybody has their own view on how war and terror should be dealt with. My honest opinion on the topic of war is that whoever wants harm upon somebody they never met or really understand should be stopped but not at all costs. I think when I compared the jihad soldier to a hillbilly is when people would have thought my argument is unintelligent and senseless. The audience I tried to reach out to is the person who has a clear understanding on the war in the Middle East but doesn’t know every little detail whether it be something ugly like my article. I choose to do an article because I couldn’t properly express my thoughts and opinions in a video or song. My response effectively satirized my subject because I used sarcasm and expressed ridicule in multiple examples throughout the article. My first literary humor device is an understatement when I Mentioned Jesus as just “that guy” next I used a pun and not in the way the word is directly defined but when I wrote “a couple of Playboys” I meant to express how women are treated in the U.S. compared to how they are treated in the Middle East, where in a playboy they are viewed as sex objects and are desired by any given man in the U.S. while in the Middle East women are thought to be hidden from the eyes of the public and treated as second class citizens, the third literal humor device is hyperbole when I wrote “are we not the ones who launch the missiles that kill innocent men, women, and children” I know the U.S. military has no intention to kill or harm anybody they don’t need to.  

                                                                                      The Real Price For freedom

                The attacks that unfolded on the morning of September 11, 2001 reshaped the world as we know it, on that morning a new war towards a cultural so distant from our own the only thoughts we had on them is that they ride camels and is home to the birthplace of that guy Jesus, kinda. Our new war would be fueled on arrogance, revenge, and a type of Americana jihad that fat, lazy middle class war veterans would only understand, but the real issue I stand to address is that the fact of the matter is that it has been over a decade since blood has been drawn and no clear victor has been declared or with any significant progress made. With countless deaths, many meaningless and unavoidable we have to ask is all of this bloodshed and money really necessary? Through my perspective it seems that the U.S. military with all their advanced weapons and technology should have came through and annihilated any opposing force that threats the security of the U.S., I mean who are they really fighting a bunch of trigger happy middle eastern hillbillies that hate the U.S. because of our freedom, democracy, and western views along with the fact that we can go to a corner gas station and buy a liter of Coke and maybe a couple of Playboys or maybe it is because of the last century of violence, bombings, assassinations, and torture promoted and sponsored by the suits in Washington backed with the support of the American Joe and carried out by the uniformed men and women that we call soldiers. Who in this country is brave enough to say maybe we’re the terrorists, are we not the ones who launch the missiles that kill innocent men, women, and children, are we the force that leaves the widows and orphans of which ever wealth depleted and war torn country we’ve been deployed to wander the streets? Two twenty something year olds can kill three people in a American city and have the country on a standstill, be hated by nearly every American on the planet to the point half of them want them dean and the other half wanting them tortured for the rest of eternity but God forbid if a unmanned flying bazooka kills twelve citizens in the name of American foreign justice, talk about humane. I guess if Anakin Skywalker can invade and massacre a village of sand people in the name of righteousness and justice U.S. soldiers can to. Nearly three thousand U.S. citizens died due to the attacks on September 11 but since then nearly one hundred thirty five thousand civilians are left dead because of the invasion that followed, and that number is only for Iraq alone. Now is that a just and equal price for the so called freedom that comes with living in this nation, can Americans say that are efforts to destroy terrorism are still morally acceptable, is there any other way to secure our homes and workplaces instead of useless killings, and the final question I have to ask how much does it cost to our nation to kill one terrorist and how much to kill all those innocent in the process?    
20.6 seconds
Ode to tea

Chopped up
Dry as a desert
Yet stale
Yet tangy
For days
A herb from the earth
Brewed into the world
Dietary for some
A love for others
Aromatic alone
Then sweet like a liquid
Raw and dried out